5 Ways to Improve Your Company Culture

5 Ways to Improve Your Company Culture


Company culture is one of the most important aspects of a successful business that can make or break a business. Good company culture will boost productivity and creativity. In contrast, a bad culture will lead to low morale and decreased performance, making work culture and thriving employees go hand-in-hand. Organizations benefit from understanding the vital role company culture plays in shaping employee attitudes and behaviors (Inc, 2019).

Moreover, when it comes to improving productivity, happy employees are key. According to a study done by the Work Human Review, “increasing employee engagement by just one point on a seven-point scale can increase profits by $US 26 million (£16 million) annually.” It is not news that organizations worldwide lose billions of dollars per year due to low employee productivity, toxic work environment, and employee turnover (Work Human, n.d.). Thriving employees are more productive, and company culture plays a is significant role in employee happiness. By improving your company culture, you can create a positive work environment that will increase morale keep employees happy and productive.

As the pandemic changed the world, employee appreciation has not changed. With the increased demand for “essential workers” and decreased resources to keep things running smoothly, employee engagement has never been more critical than it is now. Company culture is the foundation for a productive and successful business. In comparison, employee appreciation is what generates the culture outcome (Inc, 2019).

But how can you, as a manager or business owner, create a thriving company culture? Check out the five ways below:

  1. Trust, respect, and communication:

Create a company culture that is based on trust and respect. Trust is key in any relationship, especially between employer and employee. Employees need to feel trusted to do their jobs, and they will appreciate it if you respect their time and communicate effectively with them. This can be done by setting an example for yourself and being transparent with your employees. Encourage communication among team members. Doing so will help create a sense of community and collaboration (Birla, 2020). Celebrate successes together. When things go well, celebrate as a team. This will help build morale and encourage everyone to work together towards common goals. Clear communication is essential to maintaining trust and respect. Employees should feel like they are kept in the loop on important decisions and that their voices are heard. Encourage open communication by being available to answer questions and address concerns.

  1. Foster a sense of community:

Strong company culture should promote a sense of community. Employees should feel like they are part of something larger and have a shared purpose. Encourage team building and collaboration by organizing social events and outings (Kochhar, 2021). Encouraging the growth of a work community will help them feel more engaged and motivated to do their best work while fostering creativity and innovation. It is essential to give employees a sense of community and connection, especially when so much has happened in a short period of time that has vastly affected millions of American lives and will never be the same. Having a strong sense of community in the workplace can help encourage employee engagement and relationship-building skills. Create opportunities for employees to get to know each other such as in-person or virtual lunches, team-building activities, or social events (Inc, 2019). The people in business who interact most with a company’s customers and clients are often those whose voices are not heard. This is because they are not given any power to make recommendations, so their input goes unheeded by management decisions makers. Fostering a solid work community will help motivate employees to speak up and share information to help improve the company’s bottom line and its customer’s experience.

  1. Encourage employee growth and development:

Encourage your employees to grow and develop in their roles. Offer opportunities for them to learn new skills and knowledge. Offer tuition assistance or reimbursement for job-related courses. Provide employees time to take online courses that will help them develop on company time. Part of continuous growth and development is establishing a clear mission and vision. This will give employees a sense of purpose and direction (Inc, 2019). Encourage them to get involved by hosting team-building activities, offering volunteer opportunities, and sponsoring social events. When everyone knows what the company stands for and where it is headed, they are more likely to develop and invest in their work. This will encourage communication and collaboration among team members. Supporting the employee’s voices and providing a psychologically safe space will make them feel valued and appreciated.

  1. Create a positive and safe work environment:

The workplace’s physical environment can have a significant impact on employee morale. Employee psychological safety is a critical component of a positive work environment. This can be challenging as it often depends on the company’s leadership and management. However, studies have shown that a positive work environment leads to higher productivity and creativity, while a bad culture will lead to low morale and decreased performance. Ensure that employees feel safe to take risks and share ideas without fear of retribution. Encourage employees to give and receive feedback regularly (Kochhar, 2021). Implementing a system where employees can provide anonymous feedback can help create an open environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Promote a culture of employees being human beings first. This means respecting their time outside of work, encouraging a healthy work-life balance, and providing support during difficult times.

  1. Lastly, show your employees that you care about their well-being:

One way to do this is by offering benefits and perks that improve their quality of life. Another way to increase positive culture is by providing free or discounted mind-body classes, like yoga or meditation (Birla, 2020). Mental health wellness is also essential to thriving company culture. Offering resources and breaking down the stigma around counseling and therapy can help employees feel supported in their workplace. Another way to show your employees that you care about their well-being is by offering incentives that improve their families’ quality of life. Some great examples include on-site daycare, pet insurance, unlimited vacation time, and flexible work hours. Promote a healthy work-life balance and encourage your employees to take breaks, step away from their desks, and take time for themselves. A healthy work-life balance is essential for maintaining productivity and preventing burnout. Actions over words will show employees that you are genuinely invested in their well-being (Birla, 2020).

Culture is not a one-size-fits-all, so it is essential to tailor your company culture to fit your business and employees. Taking the time to improve your company culture and implementing even a few of these measures can make a big difference in how your employees feel about their work, environment, and themselves (Ramy, 2020). Trust, communication, work community, and a safe environment are just some of the foundational blocks of positive company culture. You can dramatically improve your company culture by making a few simple changes such as these listed. Although some initiatives may be simple, creating a positive work culture is no easy feat and requires continuous innovation and evaluation. By doing so, your employees will feel supported, valued, appreciated and will be more likely to stick around for the long haul. Investing in your employees is investing in your business. Culture is the glue that holds a company together, and by making it a priority, you can create a productive and happy workplace for everyone.








Birla, N. (2020, Feb 09). Towards mind-positive workplaces: Focus will be on protecting a company’s most precious asset – the emotional well-being of employees. Business Today


Inc, H. (2019). Featured research summary: Creating great corporate cultures. Talent Management Excellence Essentials.


Kochhar, M. (2021). How to create A corporate culture of employee appreciation. Recognition and Engagement Excellence Essentials.



Ramy, T. (2020, May 01). How to create A lasting culture: Every interaction matters. Life Science Leader (Online)



Work Human. (n.d.). Reports and Guides. https://www.workhuman.com/resources/reports-guides